Revised and Updated

Autopsy of a
Dead Church

CSI: Church Status Investigation

The Author

Lou Mancari

Lou Mancari has a Bachelors of Science in Pastoral Theology; Masters of Christian Education; Masters of Christian Studies. He has helped to plant and pastor two churches and has served a third church as an elder/pastor. These churches are in New York City, rural Pennsylvania and Lynchburg, Virginia. By God’s grace he has also helped to revitalized two churches. Lou has served a total of 27 years as a Pastor. Through his missionary work with Advancing Native Missions and Gospelink he has helped church-planting pastors in Africa, India, Russia and Ukraine. 

The Book

Autopsy of a
Dead Church

This book is NOT a How to Build a Big Church manual. It is a call to a more spiritually healthy church and Christian life. The author performs a spiritual autopsy from head to toe on an imaginary dead church. Hundreds of Bible verses are used as a sharp scalpel exposing potential killers of the contemporary church. Creative and challenging insights will help you and your church avoid the spiritual obituaries.

The Testimonials

Insightful and Challenging

"This book is a deep dive into the spiritual health of the modern church. The author’s use of metaphors, such as 'Traces of Adam's DNA' and 'Dry Eyes with Blurry Vision,' really made me reflect on my own church’s state. It’s not just about how to grow a congregation, but how to nurture the health and integrity of the faith community. If you want to go beyond the surface and examine the heart of the church, this book is for you!"

Rebecca Simmons

A Wake-Up Call for the Church

"This book was a hard but necessary read. It doesn’t sugarcoat the issues facing the church today. The metaphor of a spiritual autopsy on a dead church is both creative and convicting. I found myself asking tough questions about my personal faith and the direction of the church I attend. The chapter on 'Hardened Hearts' was especially powerful. This isn’t a 'how-to' manual, but a call for reflection and change."

Pastor Jonathan Hayes

A Must-Read for Church Leaders and Members

"What sets this book apart is its raw honesty and creativity. The author doesn’t just point fingers; instead, the book challenges the reader to look inwardly and ask, 'What is the spiritual status of my church?' The use of Bible verses as a scalpel to dissect the issues facing contemporary Christianity is sharp and effective. Each chapter offers profound insights, and I walked away with a deeper sense of responsibility for the health of my faith community."

Megan Carter

A Thought-Provoking Read

"I loved the way this book uses vivid imagery to diagnose the condition of the church. The chapter titles alone are enough to make you think deeply. It’s clear that the author wants readers to grapple with their spiritual health, and I appreciated the thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter. This isn’t just about church buildings; it’s about the heart and soul of the body of Christ."

Elder James Robinson

Not for the Faint of Heart

"This is not your typical Christian living book. The author pulls no punches in his examination of the church and its failings. If you’re looking for a book that challenges the status quo and pushes you to examine your own faith, this is it. Some of the chapters were hard to read, but they were necessary. It’s a convicting and compelling read for anyone serious about revitalizing their spiritual life and their church."

Sophia Grant

The Blog Posts

The Danger of ‘Mindless Christianity’: Breaking Free from Spiritual Apathy

The Danger of ‘Mindless Christianity’: Breaking…

One of the most striking chapters in this book is titled “Mindless Christianity.” It challenges the idea that faith is merely about rituals or routines. Instead, the author calls believers to engage…

10 Questions to Assess the Spiritual Health of Your Church

10 Questions to Assess the Spiritual…

The author of this powerful book encourages readers to take a hard look at their churches and their personal faith through a spiritual lens. Here are 10 questions inspired by the book…

What Is Killing the Modern Church? A Spiritual Autopsy

What Is Killing the Modern Church?…

In a world where church attendance is declining, and spiritual apathy seems to be on the rise, one book dares to ask a tough question: What is killing the modern church? Through…